- This notice governs your use of this website and any materials or feeds provided on or by the website.
- I have kept this legal notice short and easy to understand, but Dutch law still fully applies.
- Merely because you have visited or read this website, or have sent me an e-mail or fax, you are not my client and we do not have a contractual or other legal relationship.
- This website does not contain legal advice.
- Even though I use phrases on this website like “legal English” and “lawyer to lawyer”, I am not holding myself out to be a practising lawyer. I am not currently a practising lawyer (advocaat or otherwise). This wording is used merely to describe my legal background and the nature of the training I provide.
- I try to ensure that the information on the website is timely and accurate, but it might not be.
- I provide the information on this website for information and marketing purposes only. This website is not a legal document. Nothing on this website is an offer or a promise. You have no right to anything stated here. I may provide you with different information when dealing with you. My services to you, and my relationship with you, are not based on the statements made here.
- The website is provided on an “as is” basis. You use the information on this website at your own risk. I am not liable for any information on this website or anything that has happened because you have used it.
- Any reference on the website to a third party and any link to third-party materials are for convenience only and do not imply endorsement
- The internet and e-mail are not secure means of communication. If you want to use a secure medium, contact me and we can discuss the appropriate arrangements
- The content of this website are my property and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. No part of this website may be used without my permission.
- The name and content of the Mastering Legal English programme are my property and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. I have registered the name “Mastering Legal English” in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Neither the name of the programme nor the programme itself may be used without my permission.